
‘A consistently great investment’: Qcom renews commitment to apprenticeships

Marc Sanderson

To mark National Apprenticeship Week 2021, Qcom has renewed its commitment to its longstanding apprenticeships programme.

The theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2021 (8-14 February) is “Build the Future”. The campaign is designed to encourage businesses to consider how apprenticeships can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career, and employers to build a workforce with future-ready skills.

Qcom has been a strong supporter of apprenticeships over many years, creating dozens of training and development opportunities for young people in all areas of the business.

Qcom operations manager Rob Heritage explained: “Investing in apprenticeships has been one of Qcom’s best and most consistently rewarding decisions over many years.

“Qcom apprenticeships have helped dozens of young people to take their first step on the employment ladder, and in turn provided us with a steady stream of highly motivated, talented and effective employees.”

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Apprenticeships with Qcom

Connor James completed his engineering apprenticeship in 2016 and has gone on to work as part of Qcom’s nationwide network of field engineers.

He recalls choosing an apprenticeship after school because he wanted to continue his education beyond college, but did not want to commit to several years of full-time university with the debt and loss of earnings that would entail.

He said: “On my IT course I was able to learn mainly from home, which suited my needs perfectly as it meant I didn’t need to do additional travelling to a college.

“My manager at the time helped me balance coursework with my job, and made time for me when I needed it. That really helped me get to grips with the demands of the work environment, which was challenging because I hadn’t worked in a full-time job before then.

“As well as the time management and organisational skills you need for the workplace, I learned many of the specific IT skills which I use in in my role today. For example, I regularly disassemble electronics in my work, something my course had a unit focusing on.

“If you are looking to advance your knowledge in any field, while starting on your career path, then an apprenticeship is a fantastic choice. You are able to earn a wage while gaining crucial certification from a relevant course.”

Tom Grey completed his warehousing apprenticeship in 2020. Like Connor, he has now moved on to a full-time role at Qcom.

He said: “As an apprentice you are treated no differently to any other worker in the workplace, and all the apprentice providers were great.

“Of course it can be challenging to balance the requirements of work with the demands of the off-the-job learning, but there was always help with that when I needed it.

“Through the apprenticeship I learned the ins and outs of a warehousing operation, and how to work there safely and effectively. As well as the skills I need to work in a stock and logistics job, I also have also improved my maths, my English, and my communication skills.

“The whole apprenticeship experience has made me more mature, better at interacting with people,  and helped me understand what is required to work in a busy workplace environment.”

Get in touch

Having launched his own career via an apprenticeship, Rob Heritage recognises these experiences in his own.

“Every completed apprenticeship represents a success story for the apprentice and for Qcom alike.

“Plenty of our apprentices have stayed with us for many years; some have gone on to reach senior positions within the company; while others have parted with our best wishes to take their place in the technology sector across the UK and Europe.

“We couldn’t be prouder of them all.”

With a number of Qcom apprentices having graduated to full-time roles in the past 12 months, we are now looking forward to filling new apprenticeships in warehousing, information technology, and business administration, among others.

If you or someone you know could be interested in a Qcom apprenticeship opportunity, please email recruitment@qcom.co.uk

Or click here to read more about National Apprenticeship Week.

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